Are you an employer fed up with your old style interview questions and want to get the best out of your time spent meeting your potential new recruit? Vardey Recruitment have put together a list of "Smart" interview questions to help your interview flow! Try it, it works!
Suggested smart questions:
1. What have you learned about our company so far?
2. Here's a summary of the role. How do you think this job will be similar to other jobs you've held?
3. Here's what we're dealing with in the department. (Explain.) What are your thoughts or ideas about getting to know and learn the role?
4. What can I tell you about the role, the team, the company or the industry that will help you understand what the job is all about?
5. Can you give me an example of where you have had to hit the ground running, by using your initiative to get the job done?
5. Here's a typical day on the job. (Explain.) What parts of the position do you think sound challenging? How would you overcome those challenges?
6. What would you like to learn more about?
7. I hope you don’t mind but I’d like to ask you a few technical questions – Is this ok? TAILOR THESE TO YOUR ROLE
· From the bank’s point of view, what is debit and credit? What is it from the customer’s point of view?
· What steps would you take to make a payment?
· Describe a time you suggested a way to improve efficiency or a process or procedure?
· Have you ever implemented a change to speed up an accounting process?
· Give an example of a goal/deadline you had in your previous position. What did you do to reach it?
8. This position requires an amount of X / Eg. data entry. How do you ensure accuracy in your work?
9. Here's the biggest project you'd take on in this role in the first few months. (Explain.) How would you approach this project?
10. I'd love to hear a story from one of your past jobs that illustrates how you work. Tell me about a situation where you were enjoying your job doing what you love to do and making a positive difference.
11. How does this job help your career move forward if at all? What can this job offer you?
12. What do you imagine will be the highest priorities for the person in this job, in their first few months?
13. On a more relaxed note "If you won the lottery today, what would you do with it?
14. What do you admire most in other people?
15. What do you do outside of work?
Once again, your job as an interviewer is too strike up a conversation with each candidate, not to read them questions from a list. Free-flowing conversations are so much more powerful for both parties!
If you feel you would benefit from interview support and advice I've love to hear from you!
Contact Clare at or 07816 873747