Career Q&A with Marta Zuk - Group Head of FP&A Learndirect Ltd

June 5th, 2024

We are lucky enough to hear Marta’s thoughts on her career to date and an insight into what it's like working in a high level financial planning role.

Marta's interest in accountancy started early as she attended the Economics High School in Poland followed by graduating with a Masters in Finance at the University in her home town. Marta moved to the UK in 2005 and worked on a temporary basis in the Education Department at Bournemouth Council, luckily Marta got offered an opportunity to move into the accountancy team. Here, she worked whilst studying for her CIPFA (Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy). Today, Marta is Head of FP&A at Learndirect in Bournemouth. 

Q1) In terms of your current role – what is your remit?

A1) As a Head of FP&A I’m responsible for all types of financial planning, forecasting and budgeting. It can be in relation to small revenue modelling or highly complicated new business acquisitions. The most exciting part of my role is that not a single week looks the same. There is always some new business developments and ideas that heads of departments needs help with. Learndirect is very data reach and in order to make business critical decisions my team and I are required to provide various performance analysis on pretty much a daily basis.

Q2) What challenges in your industry have you faced in the past 18 months?

A2) Not surprisingly it is post-covid customer behaviour change and the challenge to remain profitable while meeting our learners expectations. 

Q3) What path did you take to become an Accountant?

A3)  My Accounting education started really early. I attended the Economics High School in Poland followed by graduating with a Masters in Finance at the University, in my home town Radom. I arrived in the UK in 2005 and started as a temp in the Education Department of Bournemouth Borough Council. Two years and one child later I landed a Trainee Accountant job and qualified with CIPFA (Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy). So, by the time my daughter was born in 2011, I had studied Accountancy for 15 years. I was reading Audit and Assurance materials to my children as a bed time story but it was worth it at the end!

Q4) What advice would you give someone embarking on a career on Accountancy?

A4) You will need logical thinking and problem solving skills more than Maths so if you are interested in Finance and Accountancy but feel you are not strong enough in Maths don't let it stop you.

Q5) Which qualification do you think is better!! ACA,CIMA or ACCA, CIPFA – controversial I know!

A5) A tricky one! I qualified with CIPFA which is focused on Public Sector accountancy. All four, opens a lot of doors but it is important to realise that qualifying is just a beginning of the learning journey. Learning about the business, it's culture, how things are done and how they should be done I truly believe is AS important!

Q6) What do you enjoy most in your job?

A6) That feeling when you have worked really hard on a problem, used pretty much all available resources, learnt new thing or two about business, got to the point that you nearly gave up and all of the sudden an idea or solution appears out of numbers or analysis. This part I enjoy most – it is equivalent to winning the race I guess.

Q7) If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would this be?

A7) That list is so long that choosing just one is really difficult. But one bit of advice that could help is "never be afraid to ask questions". You may feel intimidated and overwhelmed in the presence of important people but for your own sake do not be embarrassed to ask questions.  If I could give myself a second piece of advice it would be to ALWAYS (I mean always!) put checks in any Excel model!

Q8) When employing staff what do you look for in an individual?

A8) Ambition and drive! I've heard recently that you should always hire people who will steal your job. Couldn't agree more!

Q9) What do you admire most in other people in the workplace?

A9) Leadership skills that make you feel you really want to go an extra mile with everything you do but at the same time knowing that no matter what you have your boss's support. Once upon a time I had a pleasure of working for fantastic manager - Stephanie Brooksbank - who never missed a chance to push me to achieve more! However she would never miss a chance to praise when the praise was due. My personal goal is to be like her one day. 

Q10) What are you most proud of in your work life?

A10) I'm most proud of the trust and relationships I have built in the places I have worked. That, in my opinion is most important in the role of a Finance professional. You need to know the story behind the numbers and the only way to know it is from people who influenced it in the first place.

Q11) How do you relax?

A11) There are probably two ways I truly relax, either pyjama day with Netflix or a 15k+ hike across Jurassic Coast. And to feel better in between these two, I pay for my gym membership...

Thank you amazing Marta for giving up your valuable time today and your truly inspiring advice! Hopefully you will continue to inspire others keep going!
